UCX  1.18
Unified Communication X

Data Structures

struct  ucp_worker_attr
 UCP worker attributes. More...
struct  ucp_worker_params
 Tuning parameters for the UCP worker. More...
struct  ucp_worker_address_attr
 UCP worker address attributes. More...
struct  ucp_listener_attr
 UCP listener attributes. More...
struct  ucp_conn_request_attr
 UCP listener's connection request attributes. More...
struct  ucp_listener_params
 Parameters for a UCP listener object. More...
struct  ucp_am_handler_param
 Active Message handler parameters passed to ucp_worker_set_am_recv_handler routine. More...
struct  ucp_am_recv_param
 Operation parameters provided in ucp_am_recv_callback_t callback. More...
struct  ucp_listener_accept_handler
struct  ucp_listener_conn_handler
 UCP callback to handle the connection request in a client-server connection establishment flow. More...


typedef struct ucp_worker_attr ucp_worker_attr_t
 UCP worker attributes. More...
typedef struct ucp_worker_params ucp_worker_params_t
 Tuning parameters for the UCP worker. More...
typedef struct ucp_worker_address_attr ucp_worker_address_attr_t
 UCP worker address attributes. More...
typedef struct ucp_listener_attr ucp_listener_attr_t
 UCP listener attributes. More...
typedef struct ucp_conn_request_attr ucp_conn_request_attr_t
 UCP listener's connection request attributes. More...
typedef struct ucp_listener_params ucp_listener_params_t
 Parameters for a UCP listener object. More...
typedef struct ucp_am_handler_param ucp_am_handler_param_t
 Active Message handler parameters passed to ucp_worker_set_am_recv_handler routine. More...
typedef struct ucp_listener_accept_handler ucp_listener_accept_handler_t
typedef struct ucp_am_recv_param ucp_am_recv_param_t
 Operation parameters provided in ucp_am_recv_callback_t callback. More...
typedef struct ucp_address ucp_address_t
 UCP worker address. More...
typedef struct ucp_listener * ucp_listener_h
 UCP listen handle. More...
typedef struct ucp_worker * ucp_worker_h
 UCP Worker. More...
typedef void(* ucp_listener_accept_callback_t) (ucp_ep_h ep, void *arg)
 A callback for accepting client/server connections on a listener ucp_listener_h. More...
typedef void(* ucp_listener_conn_callback_t) (ucp_conn_request_h conn_request, void *arg)
 A callback for handling of incoming connection request conn_request from a client. More...
typedef struct ucp_listener_conn_handler ucp_listener_conn_handler_t
 UCP callback to handle the connection request in a client-server connection establishment flow. More...
typedef enum ucp_wakeup_event_types ucp_wakeup_event_t
 UCP worker wakeup events mask. More...


enum  ucp_worker_params_field {
 UCP worker parameters field mask. More...
enum  ucp_worker_flags_t { UCP_WORKER_FLAG_IGNORE_REQUEST_LEAK = UCS_BIT(0) }
 UCP worker flags. More...
 UCP listener parameters field mask. More...
enum  ucp_worker_address_flags_t { UCP_WORKER_ADDRESS_FLAG_NET_ONLY = UCS_BIT(0) }
 UCP worker address flags. More...
enum  ucp_worker_attr_field {
 UCP worker attributes field mask. More...
enum  ucp_worker_address_attr_field { UCP_WORKER_ADDRESS_ATTR_FIELD_UID = UCS_BIT(0) }
 UCP worker address attributes field mask. More...
enum  ucp_listener_attr_field { UCP_LISTENER_ATTR_FIELD_SOCKADDR = UCS_BIT(0) }
 UCP listener attributes field mask. More...
 UCP listener's connection request attributes field mask. More...
 Flags for a UCP Active Message callback. More...
enum  ucp_send_am_flags {
 Flags for sending a UCP Active Message. More...
enum  ucp_wakeup_event_types {
 UCP worker wakeup events mask. More...


ucs_status_t ucp_worker_create (ucp_context_h context, const ucp_worker_params_t *params, ucp_worker_h *worker_p)
 Create a worker object. More...
void ucp_worker_destroy (ucp_worker_h worker)
 Destroy a worker object. More...
ucs_status_t ucp_worker_query (ucp_worker_h worker, ucp_worker_attr_t *attr)
 Get attributes specific to a particular worker. More...
void ucp_worker_print_info (ucp_worker_h worker, FILE *stream)
 Print information about the worker. More...
void ucp_worker_release_address (ucp_worker_h worker, ucp_address_t *address)
 Release an address of the worker object. More...
ucs_status_t ucp_worker_address_query (ucp_address_t *address, ucp_worker_address_attr_t *attr)
 Get attributes of the particular worker address. More...
unsigned ucp_worker_progress (ucp_worker_h worker)
 Progress all communications on a specific worker. More...
ssize_t ucp_stream_worker_poll (ucp_worker_h worker, ucp_stream_poll_ep_t *poll_eps, size_t max_eps, unsigned flags)
 Poll for endpoints that are ready to consume streaming data. More...
ucs_status_t ucp_listener_create (ucp_worker_h worker, const ucp_listener_params_t *params, ucp_listener_h *listener_p)
 Create a listener to accept connections on. Connection requests on the listener will arrive at a local address specified by the user. More...
void ucp_listener_destroy (ucp_listener_h listener)
 Stop accepting connections on a local address of the worker object. More...
ucs_status_t ucp_listener_query (ucp_listener_h listener, ucp_listener_attr_t *attr)
 Get attributes specific to a particular listener. More...
ucs_status_t ucp_conn_request_query (ucp_conn_request_h conn_request, ucp_conn_request_attr_t *attr)
 Get attributes specific to a particular connection request received on the server side. More...
ucs_status_t ucp_listener_reject (ucp_listener_h listener, ucp_conn_request_h conn_request)
 Reject an incoming connection request. More...
ucs_status_t ucp_worker_set_am_recv_handler (ucp_worker_h worker, const ucp_am_handler_param_t *param)
 Add user defined callback for Active Message. More...
ucs_status_t ucp_worker_fence (ucp_worker_h worker)
 Assures ordering between non-blocking operations. More...
ucs_status_ptr_t ucp_worker_flush_nbx (ucp_worker_h worker, const ucp_request_param_t *param)
 Flush outstanding AMO and RMA operations on the worker. More...
ucs_status_t ucp_worker_flush (ucp_worker_h worker)
 Flush outstanding AMO and RMA operations on the worker. More...
ucs_status_t ucp_worker_get_address (ucp_worker_h worker, ucp_address_t **address_p, size_t *address_length_p)
 Get the address of the worker object. More...
ucs_status_t ucp_worker_set_am_handler (ucp_worker_h worker, uint16_t id, ucp_am_callback_t cb, void *arg, uint32_t flags)
 Add user defined callback for Active Message. More...
ucs_status_ptr_t ucp_worker_flush_nb (ucp_worker_h worker, unsigned flags, ucp_send_callback_t cb)
 Flush outstanding AMO and RMA operations on the worker. More...

Detailed Description

UCP Worker routines

Data Structure Documentation

◆ ucp_worker_attr

struct ucp_worker_attr

The structure defines the attributes which characterize the particular worker.

Data Fields
uint64_t field_mask

Mask of valid fields in this structure, using bits from ucp_worker_attr_field. Fields not specified in this mask will be ignored. Provides ABI compatibility with respect to adding new fields.

ucs_thread_mode_t thread_mode

Thread safe level of the worker.

uint32_t address_flags

Flags indicating requested details of the worker address. If UCP_WORKER_ATTR_FIELD_ADDRESS_FLAGS bit is set in the field_mask, this value should be set as well. Possible flags are specified in ucp_worker_address_flags_t.

This is an input attribute.
ucp_address_t * address

Worker address, which can be passed to remote instances of the UCP library in order to connect to this worker. The memory for the address handle is allocated by ucp_worker_query() routine, and must be released by using ucp_worker_release_address() routine.

size_t address_length

Size of worker address in bytes.

size_t max_am_header

Maximum allowed header size for ucp_am_send_nbx routine.


Tracing and analysis tools can identify the worker using this name.

size_t max_debug_string

Maximum debug string size that can be filled with ucp_request_query.

◆ ucp_worker_params

struct ucp_worker_params

The structure defines the parameters that are used for the UCP worker tuning during the UCP worker creation.

ucp_client_server.c, and ucp_hello_world.c.
Data Fields
uint64_t field_mask

Mask of valid fields in this structure, using bits from ucp_worker_params_field. Fields not specified in this mask will be ignored. Provides ABI compatibility with respect to adding new fields.

ucs_thread_mode_t thread_mode

The parameter thread_mode suggests the thread safety mode which worker and the associated resources should be created with. This is an optional parameter. The default value is UCS_THREAD_MODE_SINGLE and it is used when the value of the parameter is not set. When this parameter along with its corresponding bit in the field_mask - UCP_WORKER_PARAM_FIELD_THREAD_MODE is set, the ucp_worker_create attempts to create worker with this thread mode. The thread mode with which worker is created can differ from the suggested mode. The actual thread mode of the worker should be obtained using the query interface ucp_worker_query.

ucs_cpu_set_t cpu_mask

Mask of which CPUs worker resources should preferably be allocated on. This value is optional. If it's not set (along with its corresponding bit in the field_mask - UCP_WORKER_PARAM_FIELD_CPU_MASK), resources are allocated according to system's default policy.

unsigned events

Mask of events (ucp_wakeup_event_t) which are expected on wakeup. This value is optional. If it's not set (along with its corresponding bit in the field_mask - UCP_WORKER_PARAM_FIELD_EVENTS), all types of events will trigger on wakeup.

void * user_data

User data associated with the current worker. This value is optional. If it's not set (along with its corresponding bit in the field_mask - UCP_WORKER_PARAM_FIELD_USER_DATA), it will default to NULL.

int event_fd

External event file descriptor. This value is optional. If UCP_WORKER_PARAM_FIELD_EVENT_FD is set in the field_mask, events on the worker will be reported on the provided event file descriptor. In this case, calling ucp_worker_get_efd will result in an error. The provided file descriptor must be capable of aggregating notifications for arbitrary events, for example epoll(7) on Linux systems. user_data will be used as the event user-data on systems which support it. For example, on Linux, it will be placed in epoll_data_t::ptr, when returned from epoll_wait(2).

Otherwise, events will be reported to the event file descriptor returned from ucp_worker_get_efd().

uint64_t flags

Worker flags. This value is optional. If UCP_WORKER_PARAM_FIELD_FLAGS is not set in the field_mask, the value of this field will default to 0.

const char * name

Tracing and analysis tools can identify the worker using this name. To retrieve the worker's name, use ucp_worker_query, as the name you supply may be changed by UCX under some circumstances, e.g. a name conflict. This field is only assigned if you set UCP_WORKER_PARAM_FIELD_NAME in the field mask. If not, then a default unique name will be created for you.

size_t am_alignment

Minimal address alignment of the active message data pointer as passed in argument data to the active message handler, defined as ucp_am_recv_callback_t.

uint64_t client_id

Client id that is sent as part of the connection request payload when connecting to a remote socket address. On the remote side, this value can be obtained from ucp_conn_request_h using ucp_conn_request_query.

◆ ucp_worker_address_attr

struct ucp_worker_address_attr

The structure defines the attributes of the particular worker address.

Data Fields
uint64_t field_mask

Mask of valid fields in this structure, using bits from ucp_worker_address_attr_field. Fields not specified in this mask will be ignored. Provides ABI compatibility with respect to adding new fields.

uint64_t worker_uid

Unique id of the worker this address belongs to.

◆ ucp_listener_attr

struct ucp_listener_attr

The structure defines the attributes which characterize the particular listener.

Data Fields
uint64_t field_mask

Mask of valid fields in this structure, using bits from ucp_listener_attr_field. Fields not specified in this mask will be ignored. Provides ABI compatibility with respect to adding new fields.

struct sockaddr_storage sockaddr

Sockaddr on which this listener is listening for incoming connection requests.

◆ ucp_conn_request_attr

struct ucp_conn_request_attr

The structure defines the attributes that characterize the particular connection request received on the server side.

Data Fields
uint64_t field_mask

Mask of valid fields in this structure, using bits from ucp_conn_request_attr_field. Fields not specified in this mask will be ignored. Provides ABI compatibility with respect to adding new fields.

struct sockaddr_storage client_address

The address of the remote client that sent the connection request to the server.

uint64_t client_id

Remote client id if remote endpoint's flag UCP_EP_PARAMS_FLAGS_SEND_CLIENT_ID is set.

◆ ucp_listener_params

struct ucp_listener_params

This structure defines parameters for ucp_listener_create, which is used to listen for incoming client/server connections.

Data Fields
uint64_t field_mask

Mask of valid fields in this structure, using bits from ucp_listener_params_field. Fields not specified in this mask will be ignored. Provides ABI compatibility with respect to adding new fields.

ucs_sock_addr_t sockaddr

An address in the form of a sockaddr. This field is mandatory for filling (along with its corresponding bit in the field_mask - UCP_LISTENER_PARAM_FIELD_SOCK_ADDR). The ucp_listener_create routine will return with an error if sockaddr is not specified.

ucp_listener_accept_handler_t accept_handler

Handler to endpoint creation in a client-server connection flow. In order for the callback inside this handler to be invoked, the UCP_LISTENER_PARAM_FIELD_ACCEPT_HANDLER needs to be set in the field_mask.

ucp_listener_conn_handler_t conn_handler

Handler of an incoming connection request in a client-server connection flow. In order for the callback inside this handler to be invoked, the UCP_LISTENER_PARAM_FIELD_CONN_HANDLER needs to be set in the field_mask.

User is expected to call ucp_ep_create with set UCP_EP_PARAM_FIELD_CONN_REQUEST flag to ucp_ep_params_t::field_mask and ucp_ep_params_t::conn_request in order to be able to receive communications.

◆ ucp_am_handler_param

struct ucp_am_handler_param
Data Fields
uint64_t field_mask

Mask of valid fields in this structure, using bits from ucp_am_handler_param_field. Fields not specified in this mask will be ignored. Provides ABI compatibility with respect to adding new fields.

unsigned id

Active Message id.

Value must be between 0 and UINT16_MAX.
uint32_t flags

Handler flags as defined by ucp_am_cb_flags.

ucp_am_recv_callback_t cb

Active Message callback. To clear the already set callback, this value should be set to NULL.

void * arg

Active Message argument, which will be passed in to every invocation of ucp_am_recv_callback_t function as the arg argument.

◆ ucp_am_recv_param

struct ucp_am_recv_param
Data Fields
uint64_t recv_attr

Mask of valid fields in this structure and receive operation flags, using bits from ucp_am_recv_attr_t. Fields not specified in this mask will be ignored. Provides ABI compatibility with respect to adding new fields.

ucp_ep_h reply_ep

Endpoint, which can be used for the reply to this message.

◆ ucp_listener_accept_handler

struct ucp_listener_accept_handler
Data Fields
ucp_listener_accept_callback_t cb

Endpoint creation callback

void * arg

User defined argument for the callback

◆ ucp_listener_conn_handler

struct ucp_listener_conn_handler

This structure is used for handling an incoming connection request on the listener. Setting this type of handler allows creating an endpoint on any other worker and not limited to the worker on which the listener was created.

  • Other than communication progress routines, it is allowed to call all other communication routines from the callback in the struct.
  • The callback is thread safe with respect to the worker it is invoked on.
  • It is the user's responsibility to avoid potential dead lock accessing different worker.
Data Fields
ucp_listener_conn_callback_t cb

Connection request callback

void * arg

User defined argument for the callback

Typedef Documentation

◆ ucp_worker_attr_t

The structure defines the attributes which characterize the particular worker.

◆ ucp_worker_params_t

The structure defines the parameters that are used for the UCP worker tuning during the UCP worker creation.

◆ ucp_worker_address_attr_t

The structure defines the attributes of the particular worker address.

◆ ucp_listener_attr_t

The structure defines the attributes which characterize the particular listener.

◆ ucp_conn_request_attr_t

The structure defines the attributes that characterize the particular connection request received on the server side.

◆ ucp_listener_params_t

This structure defines parameters for ucp_listener_create, which is used to listen for incoming client/server connections.

◆ ucp_am_handler_param_t

◆ ucp_listener_accept_handler_t

◆ ucp_am_recv_param_t

◆ ucp_address_t

typedef struct ucp_address ucp_address_t

The address handle is an opaque object that is used as an identifier for a worker instance.

◆ ucp_listener_h

typedef struct ucp_listener* ucp_listener_h

The listener handle is an opaque object that is used for listening on a specific address and accepting connections from clients.

◆ ucp_worker_h

typedef struct ucp_worker* ucp_worker_h

UCP worker is an opaque object representing the communication context. The worker represents an instance of a local communication resource and the progress engine associated with it. The progress engine is a construct that is responsible for asynchronous and independent progress of communication directives. The progress engine could be implemented in hardware or software. The worker object abstracts an instance of network resources such as a host channel adapter port, network interface, or multiple resources such as multiple network interfaces or communication ports. It could also represent virtual communication resources that are defined across multiple devices. Although the worker can represent multiple network resources, it is associated with a single UCX application context. All communication functions require a context to perform the operation on the dedicated hardware resource(s) and an endpoint to address the destination.

Worker are parallel "threading points" that an upper layer may use to optimize concurrent communications.

◆ ucp_listener_accept_callback_t

typedef void(* ucp_listener_accept_callback_t) (ucp_ep_h ep, void *arg)

This callback routine is invoked on the server side upon creating a connection to a remote client. The user can pass an argument to this callback. The user is responsible for releasing the ep handle using the ucp_ep_destroy() routine.

[in]epHandle to a newly created endpoint which is connected to the remote peer which has initiated the connection.
[in]argUser's argument for the callback.

◆ ucp_listener_conn_callback_t

typedef void(* ucp_listener_conn_callback_t) (ucp_conn_request_h conn_request, void *arg)

This callback routine is invoked on the server side to handle incoming connections from remote clients. The user can pass an argument to this callback. The conn_request handle has to be released, either by ucp_ep_create or ucp_listener_reject routine.

[in]conn_requestConnection request handle.
[in]argUser's argument for the callback.

◆ ucp_listener_conn_handler_t

This structure is used for handling an incoming connection request on the listener. Setting this type of handler allows creating an endpoint on any other worker and not limited to the worker on which the listener was created.

  • Other than communication progress routines, it is allowed to call all other communication routines from the callback in the struct.
  • The callback is thread safe with respect to the worker it is invoked on.
  • It is the user's responsibility to avoid potential dead lock accessing different worker.

◆ ucp_wakeup_event_t

The enumeration allows specifying which events are expected on wakeup. Empty events are possible for any type of event except for UCP_WAKEUP_TX and UCP_WAKEUP_RX.

Send completions are reported by POLLIN-like events (see poll man page). Since outgoing operations can be initiated at any time, UCP does not generate POLLOUT-like events, although it must be noted that outgoing operations may be queued depending upon resource availability.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ ucp_worker_params_field

The enumeration allows specifying which fields in ucp_worker_params_t are present. It is used to enable backward compatibility support.


UCP thread mode


Worker's CPU bitmap


Worker's events bitmap


User data


External event file descriptor


Worker flags


Worker name


Alignment of active messages on the receiver


Client id

◆ ucp_worker_flags_t

This enumeration allows specifying flags for ucp_worker_params_t::flags, which is used as parameter for ucp_worker_create.


Do not print warnings about request leaks

◆ ucp_listener_params_field

The enumeration allows specifying which fields in ucp_listener_params_t are present. It is used to enable backward compatibility support.


Sock address and length.


User's callback and argument for handling the creation of an endpoint.User's callback and argument for handling the incoming connection request.


◆ ucp_worker_address_flags_t

The enumeration list describes possible UCP worker address flags, indicating what needs to be included to the worker address returned by ucp_worker_query() routine.


Pack addresses of network devices only. Using such shortened addresses for the remote node peers will reduce the amount of wireup data being exchanged during connection establishment phase.

◆ ucp_worker_attr_field

The enumeration allows specifying which fields in ucp_worker_attr_t are present. It is used to enable backward compatibility support.


UCP thread mode


UCP address


UCP address flags


Maximum header size used by UCP AM API


UCP worker name


Maximum size of info string

◆ ucp_worker_address_attr_field

The enumeration allows specifying which fields in ucp_worker_address_attr_t are present. It is used to enable backward compatibility support.


Unique id of the worker

◆ ucp_listener_attr_field

The enumeration allows specifying which fields in ucp_listener_attr_t are present. It is used to enable backward compatibility support.


Sockaddr used for listening

◆ ucp_conn_request_attr_field

The enumeration allows specifying which fields in ucp_conn_request_attr_t are present. It is used to enable backward compatibility support.


Client's address


Remote client id

◆ ucp_am_cb_flags

Flags that indicate how to handle UCP Active Messages.


Indicates that the entire message will be handled in one callback.


Guarantees that the specified ucp_am_recv_callback_t callback, will always be called with UCP_AM_RECV_ATTR_FLAG_DATA flag set, so the data will be accessible outside the callback, until ucp_am_data_release is called.

◆ ucp_send_am_flags

Flags dictate the behavior of ucp_am_send_nb and ucp_am_send_nbx routines.


Force relevant reply endpoint to be passed to the data callback on the receiver.


Force UCP to use only eager protocol for AM sends.


Force UCP to use only rendezvous protocol for AM sends.


The flag indicates that the header should be copied to an internal buffer in case it's needed after the send function returns. If this flag is specified, the header can be released immediately after the send function returns, even if the non-blocking send request is not completed.


Backward compatibility.

◆ ucp_wakeup_event_types

The enumeration allows specifying which events are expected on wakeup. Empty events are possible for any type of event except for UCP_WAKEUP_TX and UCP_WAKEUP_RX.

Send completions are reported by POLLIN-like events (see poll man page). Since outgoing operations can be initiated at any time, UCP does not generate POLLOUT-like events, although it must be noted that outgoing operations may be queued depending upon resource availability.

Remote memory access send completion


Atomic operation send completion


Tag send completion


Tag receive completion


This event type will generate an event on completion of any outgoing operation (complete or partial, according to the underlying protocol) for any type of transfer (send, atomic, or RMA).


This event type will generate an event on completion of any receive operation (complete or partial, according to the underlying protocol).


Use edge-triggered wakeup. The event file descriptor will be signaled only for new events, rather than existing ones.

Function Documentation

◆ ucp_worker_create()

ucs_status_t ucp_worker_create ( ucp_context_h  context,
const ucp_worker_params_t params,
ucp_worker_h worker_p 

This routine allocates and initializes a worker object. Each worker is associated with one and only one application context. In the same time, an application context can create multiple workers in order to enable concurrent access to communication resources. For example, application can allocate a dedicated worker for each application thread, where every worker can be progressed independently of others.

The worker object is allocated within context of the calling thread
[in]contextHandle to UCP application context.
[in]paramsUser defined ucp_worker_params_t configurations for the UCP worker.
[out]worker_pA pointer to the worker object allocated by the UCP library
Error code as defined by ucs_status_t
ucp_client_server.c, and ucp_hello_world.c.

◆ ucp_worker_destroy()

void ucp_worker_destroy ( ucp_worker_h  worker)

This routine releases the resources associated with a UCP worker.

Once the UCP worker destroy the worker handle cannot be used with any UCP routine.

The destroy process releases and shuts down all resources associated with the worker.

[in]workerWorker object to destroy.
ucp_client_server.c, and ucp_hello_world.c.

◆ ucp_worker_query()

ucs_status_t ucp_worker_query ( ucp_worker_h  worker,
ucp_worker_attr_t attr 

This routine fetches information about the worker.

[in]workerWorker object to query.
[out]attrFilled with attributes of worker.
Error code as defined by ucs_status_t

◆ ucp_worker_print_info()

void ucp_worker_print_info ( ucp_worker_h  worker,
FILE *  stream 

This routine prints information about the protocols being used, thresholds, UCT transport methods, and other useful information associated with the worker.

[in]workerWorker object to print information for.
[in]streamOutput stream to print the information to.

◆ ucp_worker_release_address()

void ucp_worker_release_address ( ucp_worker_h  worker,
ucp_address_t address 

This routine release an address handle associated within the worker object.

Once the address released the address handle cannot be used with any UCP routine.
[in]workerWorker object that is associated with the address object.
[in]addressAddress to release; the address object has to be allocated using ucp_worker_query() routine.

◆ ucp_worker_address_query()

ucs_status_t ucp_worker_address_query ( ucp_address_t address,
ucp_worker_address_attr_t attr 

This routine fetches information about the worker address. The address can be either of local or remote worker.

[in]addressWorker address to query.
[out]attrFilled with attributes of the worker address.
Error code as defined by ucs_status_t.

◆ ucp_worker_progress()

unsigned ucp_worker_progress ( ucp_worker_h  worker)

This routine explicitly progresses all communication operations on a worker.

  • Typically, request wait and test routines call this routine to progress any outstanding operations.
  • Transport layers, implementing asynchronous progress using threads, require callbacks and other user code to be thread safe.
  • The state of communication can be advanced (progressed) by blocking routines. Nevertheless, the non-blocking routines can not be used for communication progress.
[in]workerWorker to progress.
Non-zero if any communication was progressed, zero otherwise.
ucp_client_server.c, and ucp_hello_world.c.

◆ ucp_stream_worker_poll()

ssize_t ucp_stream_worker_poll ( ucp_worker_h  worker,
ucp_stream_poll_ep_t poll_eps,
size_t  max_eps,
unsigned  flags 

This non-blocking routine returns endpoints on a worker which are ready to consume streaming data. The ready endpoints are placed in poll_eps array, and the function return value indicates how many are there.

[in]workerWorker to poll.
[out]poll_epsPointer to array of endpoints, should be allocated by user.
[in]max_epsMaximum number of endpoints that should be filled in poll_eps.
[in]flagsReserved for future use.
Negative value indicates an error according to ucs_status_t. On success, non-negative value (less or equal max_eps) indicates actual number of endpoints filled in poll_eps array.

◆ ucp_listener_create()

ucs_status_t ucp_listener_create ( ucp_worker_h  worker,
const ucp_listener_params_t params,
ucp_listener_h listener_p 

This routine creates a new listener object that is bound to a specific local address. The listener will listen to incoming connection requests. After receiving a request from the remote peer, an endpoint to this peer will be created - either right away or by calling ucp_ep_create, as specified by the callback type in ucp_listener_params_t. The user's callback will be invoked once the endpoint is created.

[in]workerWorker object to create the listener on.
[in]paramsUser defined ucp_listener_params_t configurations for the ucp_listener_h.
[out]listener_pA handle to the created listener, can be released by calling ucp_listener_destroy
Error code as defined by ucs_status_t
ucp_listener_params_t::conn_handler or ucp_listener_params_t::accept_handler must be provided to be able to handle incoming connections.

◆ ucp_listener_destroy()

void ucp_listener_destroy ( ucp_listener_h  listener)

This routine unbinds the worker from the given handle and stops listening for incoming connection requests on it.

[in]listenerA handle to the listener to stop listening on.

◆ ucp_listener_query()

ucs_status_t ucp_listener_query ( ucp_listener_h  listener,
ucp_listener_attr_t attr 

This routine fetches information about the listener.

[in]listenerlistener object to query.
[out]attrFilled with attributes of the listener.
Error code as defined by ucs_status_t

◆ ucp_conn_request_query()

ucs_status_t ucp_conn_request_query ( ucp_conn_request_h  conn_request,
ucp_conn_request_attr_t attr 

This routine fetches information about the connection request.

[in]conn_requestconnection request object to query.
[out]attrFilled with attributes of the connection request.
Error code as defined by ucs_status_t

◆ ucp_listener_reject()

ucs_status_t ucp_listener_reject ( ucp_listener_h  listener,
ucp_conn_request_h  conn_request 

Reject the incoming connection request and release associated resources. If the remote initiator endpoint has set an ucp_ep_params_t::err_handler, it will be invoked with status UCS_ERR_REJECTED.

[in]listenerHandle to the listener on which the connection request was received.
[in]conn_requestHandle to the connection request to reject.
Error code as defined by ucs_status_t

◆ ucp_worker_set_am_recv_handler()

ucs_status_t ucp_worker_set_am_recv_handler ( ucp_worker_h  worker,
const ucp_am_handler_param_t param 

This routine installs a user defined callback to handle incoming Active Messages with a specific id. This callback is called whenever an Active Message that was sent from the remote peer by ucp_am_send_nbx is received on this worker.

Handlers set by this function are not compatible with ucp_am_send_nb routine.
[in]workerUCP worker on which to set the Active Message handler.
[in]paramActive Message handler parameters, as defined by ucp_am_handler_param_t.
error code if the worker does not support Active Messages or requested callback flags.

◆ ucp_worker_fence()

ucs_status_t ucp_worker_fence ( ucp_worker_h  worker)

This routine ensures ordering of non-blocking communication operations on the UCP worker. Communication operations issued on a particular endpoint created on the worker prior to this call are guaranteed to be completed before any communication operations issued on the same endpoint after this call.

The primary difference between ucp_worker_fence() and the ucp_worker_flush_nb() is the fact the fence routine does not guarantee completion of the operations on the call return but only ensures the order between communication operations. The flush operation on return guarantees that all operations are completed and corresponding memory regions were updated.
[in]workerUCP worker.
Error code as defined by ucs_status_t

◆ ucp_worker_flush_nbx()

ucs_status_ptr_t ucp_worker_flush_nbx ( ucp_worker_h  worker,
const ucp_request_param_t param 

This routine flushes all outstanding AMO and RMA communications on the worker. All the AMO and RMA operations issued on the worker prior to this call are completed both at the origin and at the target when this call returns.

For description of the differences between flush and fence operations please see ucp_worker_fence()
[in]workerUCP worker.
[in]paramOperation parameters, see ucp_request_param_t
NULL - The flush operation was completed immediately.
UCS_PTR_IS_ERR(_ptr) - The flush operation failed.
otherwise - Flush operation was scheduled and can be completed in any point in time. The request handle is returned to the application in order to track progress.

◆ ucp_worker_flush()

ucs_status_t ucp_worker_flush ( ucp_worker_h  worker)
Replaced by ucp_worker_flush_nb. The following example implements the same functionality using ucp_worker_flush_nb :
ucs_status_t worker_flush(ucp_worker_h worker)
void *request = ucp_worker_flush_nb(worker);
if (request == NULL) {
return UCS_OK;
} else if (UCS_PTR_IS_ERR(request)) {
return UCS_PTR_STATUS(request);
} else {
ucs_status_t status;
do {
status = ucp_request_check_status(request);
} while (status == UCS_INPROGRESS);
return status;

This routine flushes all outstanding AMO and RMA communications on the worker. All the AMO and RMA operations issued on the worker prior to this call are completed both at the origin and at the target when this call returns.

For description of the differences between flush and fence operations please see ucp_worker_fence()
[in]workerUCP worker.
Error code as defined by ucs_status_t

◆ ucp_worker_get_address()

ucs_status_t ucp_worker_get_address ( ucp_worker_h  worker,
ucp_address_t **  address_p,
size_t *  address_length_p 
Use ucp_worker_query with the flag UCP_WORKER_ATTR_FIELD_ADDRESS in order to obtain the worker address.

This routine returns the address of the worker object. This address can be passed to remote instances of the UCP library in order to connect to this worker. The memory for the address handle is allocated by this function, and must be released by using ucp_worker_release_address() routine.

[in]workerWorker object whose address to return.
[out]address_pA pointer to the worker address.
[out]address_length_pThe size in bytes of the address.
Error code as defined by ucs_status_t

◆ ucp_worker_set_am_handler()

ucs_status_t ucp_worker_set_am_handler ( ucp_worker_h  worker,
uint16_t  id,
ucp_am_callback_t  cb,
void *  arg,
uint32_t  flags 
Use ucp_worker_set_am_recv_handler instead.

This routine installs a user defined callback to handle incoming Active Messages with a specific id. This callback is called whenever an Active Message that was sent from the remote peer by ucp_am_send_nb is received on this worker.

[in]workerUCP worker on which to set the Active Message handler.
[in]idActive Message id.
[in]cbActive Message callback. NULL to clear.
[in]argActive Message argument, which will be passed in to every invocation of the callback as the arg argument.
[in]flagsDictates how an Active Message is handled on the remote endpoint. Currently only UCP_AM_FLAG_WHOLE_MSG is supported, which indicates the callback will not be invoked until all data has arrived.
error code if the worker does not support Active Messages or requested callback flags.

◆ ucp_worker_flush_nb()

ucs_status_ptr_t ucp_worker_flush_nb ( ucp_worker_h  worker,
unsigned  flags,
ucp_send_callback_t  cb 
Use ucp_worker_flush_nbx instead.

This routine flushes all outstanding AMO and RMA communications on the worker. All the AMO and RMA operations issued on the worker prior to this call are completed both at the origin and at the target when this call returns.

For description of the differences between flush and fence operations please see ucp_worker_fence()
[in]workerUCP worker.
[in]flagsFlags for flush operation. Reserved for future use.
[in]cbCallback which will be called when the flush operation completes.
NULL - The flush operation was completed immediately.
UCS_PTR_IS_ERR(_ptr) - The flush operation failed.
otherwise - Flush operation was scheduled and can be completed in any point in time. The request handle is returned to the application in order to track progress. The application is responsible for releasing the handle using ucp_request_free() routine.