14 #include <uct/api/uct_def.h> 15 #include <uct/api/tl.h> 16 #include <uct/api/version.h> 17 #include <ucs/async/async_fwd.h> 18 #include <ucs/datastruct/callbackq.h> 19 #include <ucs/datastruct/linear_func.h> 20 #include <ucs/memory/memory_type.h> 21 #include <ucs/type/status.h> 22 #include <ucs/type/thread_mode.h> 23 #include <ucs/type/cpu_set.h> 24 #include <ucs/stats/stats_fwd.h> 25 #include <ucs/sys/compiler_def.h> 26 #include <ucs/sys/topo.h> 28 #include <sys/socket.h> 251 char name[UCT_COMPONENT_NAME_MAX];
327 #define UCT_TL_RESOURCE_DESC_FMT "%s/%s" 328 #define UCT_TL_RESOURCE_DESC_ARG(_resource) (_resource)->tl_name, (_resource)->dev_name 338 typedef enum uct_atomic_op {
883 size_t opt_zcopy_align;
900 size_t opt_zcopy_align;
917 size_t max_outstanding;
946 } atomic32, atomic64;
949 uint64_t event_flags;
1008 const char *tl_name;
1009 const char *dev_name;
1021 void *conn_request_arg;
1252 uint64_t reg_mem_types;
1253 uint64_t detect_mem_types;
1254 uint64_t alloc_mem_types;
1255 uint64_t access_mem_types;
1406 char priv[UCT_PENDING_REQ_PRIV_LEN];
1446 size_t length,
void *inline_data,
ucs_status_t status);
1461 unsigned header_length,
ucs_status_t status,
unsigned flags);
1464 char priv[UCT_TAG_PRIV_LEN];
1478 extern const char *uct_alloc_method_names[];
1495 unsigned *num_components_p);
1572 unsigned *num_resources_p);
1639 void *arg,
unsigned flags,
1695 const char *env_prefix,
const char *filename,
2138 uint64_t field_mask;
2281 unsigned num_methods,
2312 const char *env_prefix,
const char *filename,
2404 uint64_t remote_addr,
void **addr_p);
2435 return ucs_callbackq_dispatch(&worker->progress_q);
2470 return iface->ops.iface_flush(iface, flags, comp);
2488 return iface->ops.iface_fence(iface, flags);
2502 uct_recv_desc_t *release_desc = uct_recv_desc(desc);
2503 release_desc->cb(release_desc, desc);
2514 return ep->iface->ops.ep_put_short(ep, buffer, length, remote_addr, rkey);
2523 void *arg, uint64_t remote_addr,
2526 return ep->iface->ops.ep_put_bcopy(ep, pack_cb, arg, remote_addr, rkey);
2564 return ep->iface->ops.ep_put_zcopy(ep, iov, iovcnt, remote_addr, rkey, comp);
2575 return ep->iface->ops.ep_get_short(ep, buffer, length, remote_addr, rkey);
2584 void *arg,
size_t length,
2588 return ep->iface->ops.ep_get_bcopy(ep, unpack_cb, arg, length, remote_addr,
2627 return ep->iface->ops.ep_get_zcopy(ep, iov, iovcnt, remote_addr, rkey, comp);
2636 const void *payload,
unsigned length)
2638 return ep->iface->ops.ep_am_short(ep,
id, header, payload, length);
2650 return ep->iface->ops.ep_am_bcopy(ep,
id, pack_cb, arg, flags);
2693 unsigned header_length,
2698 return ep->iface->ops.ep_am_zcopy(ep,
id, header, header_length, iov, iovcnt,
2710 return ep->iface->ops.ep_atomic_cswap64(ep, compare, swap, remote_addr, rkey, result, comp);
2722 return ep->iface->ops.ep_atomic_cswap32(ep, compare, swap, remote_addr, rkey, result, comp);
2731 uint32_t value, uint64_t remote_addr,
2734 return ep->iface->ops.ep_atomic32_post(ep, opcode, value, remote_addr, rkey);
2743 uint64_t value, uint64_t remote_addr,
2746 return ep->iface->ops.ep_atomic64_post(ep, opcode, value, remote_addr, rkey);
2755 uint32_t value, uint32_t *result,
2759 return ep->iface->ops.ep_atomic32_fetch(ep, opcode, value, result,
2760 remote_addr, rkey, comp);
2769 uint64_t value, uint64_t *result,
2773 return ep->iface->ops.ep_atomic64_fetch(ep, opcode, value, result,
2774 remote_addr, rkey, comp);
2802 return ep->iface->ops.ep_pending_add(ep, req, flags);
2821 ep->iface->ops.ep_pending_purge(ep, cb, arg);
2856 return ep->iface->ops.ep_flush(ep, flags, comp);
2874 return ep->iface->ops.ep_fence(ep, flags);
2901 const void *data,
size_t length)
2903 return ep->iface->ops.ep_tag_eager_short(ep, tag, data, length);
2933 void *arg,
unsigned flags)
2935 return ep->iface->ops.ep_tag_eager_bcopy(ep, tag, imm, pack_cb, arg, flags);
2983 return ep->iface->ops.ep_tag_eager_zcopy(ep, tag, imm, iov, iovcnt, flags,
3026 unsigned header_length,
3032 return ep->iface->ops.ep_tag_rndv_zcopy(ep, tag, header, header_length,
3033 iov, iovcnt, flags, comp);
3057 return ep->iface->ops.ep_tag_rndv_cancel(ep, op);
3082 unsigned header_length,
3085 return ep->iface->ops.ep_tag_rndv_request(ep, tag, header, header_length,
3127 return iface->ops.iface_tag_recv_zcopy(iface, tag, tag_mask, iov, iovcnt, ctx);
3157 return iface->ops.iface_tag_recv_cancel(iface, ctx, force);
3181 iface->ops.iface_progress_enable(iface, flags);
3206 iface->ops.iface_progress_disable(iface, flags);
3216 return iface->ops.iface_progress(iface);
3285 const char *env_prefix,
const char *filename,
ucs_status_t uct_ep_disconnect(uct_ep_h ep, unsigned flags)
Initiate a disconnection of an endpoint connected to a sockaddr by a connection manager uct_cm_h.
ucs_status_t uct_md_config_read(uct_component_h component, const char *env_prefix, const char *filename, uct_md_config_t **config_p)
Read the configuration for a memory domain.
ucs_status_t uct_config_get(void *config, const char *name, char *value, size_t max)
Get value by name from interface configuration (uct_iface_config_t), memory domain configuration (uct...
UCT connection manager attributes field mask.
Definition: uct.h:771
uct_tag_unexp_rndv_cb_t rndv_cb
Definition: uct.h:1071
size_t max_conn_priv
Definition: uct.h:1204
void * async_event_arg
Definition: uct.h:1073
ucs_status_t uct_ep_tag_eager_zcopy(uct_ep_h ep, uct_tag_t tag, uint64_t imm, const uct_iov_t *iov, size_t iovcnt, unsigned flags, uct_completion_t *comp)
Zcopy eager tagged-send operation.
Definition: uct.h:2997
UCT progress types.
Definition: uct.h:546
uct_error_handler_t err_handler
Definition: uct.h:1060
ucs_status_t uct_iface_get_device_address(uct_iface_h iface, uct_device_addr_t *addr)
Get address of the device the interface is using.
static UCS_F_ALWAYS_INLINE void uct_completion_update_status(uct_completion_t *comp, ucs_status_t status)
Update status of UCT completion handle.
Definition: uct.h:3401
uct_async_event_cb_t async_event_cb
Definition: uct.h:1078
struct uct_tl_resource_desc uct_tl_resource_desc_t
Communication resource descriptor.
void(* uct_async_event_cb_t)(void *arg, unsigned flags)
Callback to process asynchronous events.
Definition: uct_def.h:811
void uct_config_release(void *config)
Release configuration memory returned from uct_md_iface_config_read(), uct_md_config_read(),...
ucs_status_t uct_md_query_tl_resources(uct_md_h md, uct_tl_resource_desc_t **resources_p, unsigned *num_resources_p)
Query for transport resources.
List of UCX device types.
Definition: uct.h:298
ucs_status_t uct_md_mem_advise(uct_md_h md, uct_mem_h memh, void *addr, size_t length, uct_mem_advice_t advice)
Give advice about the use of memory.
ucs_status_t uct_iface_event_fd_get(uct_iface_h iface, int *fd_p)
Obtain a notification file descriptor for polling.
ucs_status_ptr_t uct_ep_tag_rndv_zcopy(uct_ep_h ep, uct_tag_t tag, const void *header, unsigned header_length, const uct_iov_t *iov, size_t iovcnt, unsigned flags, uct_completion_t *comp)
Rendezvous tagged-send operation.
Definition: uct.h:3045
ucs_status_t uct_ep_atomic32_post(uct_ep_h ep, uct_atomic_op_t opcode, uint32_t value, uint64_t remote_addr, uct_rkey_t rkey)
Definition: uct.h:2751
ucs_status_t uct_iface_event_arm(uct_iface_h iface, unsigned events)
Turn on event notification for the next event.
ucs_cpu_set_t local_cpus
Definition: uct.h:1285
void * uct_mem_h
Definition: uct_def.h:82
int count
Definition: uct.h:1411
void(* uct_sockaddr_conn_request_callback_t)(uct_iface_h iface, void *arg, uct_conn_request_h conn_request, const void *conn_priv_data, size_t length)
Callback to process an incoming connection request on the server side.
Definition: uct_def.h:579
Structure for scatter-gather I/O.
Definition: uct_def.h:143
UCT component attributes field mask.
Definition: uct.h:226
ucs_status_t uct_iface_accept(uct_iface_h iface, uct_conn_request_h conn_request)
Accept connection request.
void * type
Definition: uct.h:1387
Flags for active message send operation.
Definition: uct.h:559
void uct_ep_pending_purge(uct_ep_h ep, uct_pending_purge_callback_t cb, void *arg)
Remove all pending requests from an endpoint.
Definition: uct.h:2838
void(* rndv_cb)(uct_tag_context_t *self, uct_tag_t stag, const void *header, unsigned header_length, ucs_status_t status, unsigned flags)
Definition: uct.h:1481
ucs_status_t uct_rkey_unpack(uct_component_h component, const void *rkey_buffer, uct_rkey_bundle_t *rkey_ob)
Unpack a remote key.
union uct_iface_params::@16 mode
ssize_t uct_ep_tag_eager_bcopy(uct_ep_h ep, uct_tag_t tag, uint64_t imm, uct_pack_callback_t pack_cb, void *arg, unsigned flags)
Bcopy eager tagged-send operation.
Definition: uct.h:2951
ucs_status_t uct_ep_flush(uct_ep_h ep, unsigned flags, uct_completion_t *comp)
Flush outstanding communication operations on an endpoint.
Definition: uct.h:2874
void(* uct_ep_disconnect_cb_t)(uct_ep_h ep, void *arg)
Callback to handle the disconnection of the remote peer.
Definition: uct_def.h:680
uct_cm_ep_client_connect_callback_t sockaddr_cb_client
Definition: uct.h:1167
ucs_status_t uct_listener_query(uct_listener_h listener, uct_listener_attr_t *listener_attr)
Get attributes specific to a particular listener.
ucs_status_t uct_iface_tag_recv_cancel(uct_iface_h iface, uct_tag_context_t *ctx, int force)
Cancel a posted tag.
Definition: uct.h:3174
struct uct_md_attr::@19 cap
int backlog
Definition: uct.h:1245
ucs_status_t uct_mem_alloc(size_t length, const uct_alloc_method_t *methods, unsigned num_methods, const uct_mem_alloc_params_t *params, uct_allocated_memory_t *mem)
Allocate memory for zero-copy communications and remote access.
list of UCT memory use advice
Definition: uct.h:755
void uct_listener_destroy(uct_listener_h listener)
Destroy a transport listener.
Parameters used for interface creation.
Definition: uct.h:1011
struct uct_md_config uct_md_config_t
Definition: uct_def.h:79
ucs_status_t uct_ep_put_zcopy(uct_ep_h ep, const uct_iov_t *iov, size_t iovcnt, uint64_t remote_addr, uct_rkey_t rkey, uct_completion_t *comp)
Write data to remote memory while avoiding local memory copy.
Definition: uct.h:2580
uint64_t field_mask
Definition: uct.h:1095
Memory domain resource descriptor.
Definition: uct.h:214
ucs_status_t uct_md_detect_memory_type(uct_md_h md, const void *addr, size_t length, ucs_memory_type_t *mem_type_p)
Detect memory type.
int uct_iface_is_reachable(const uct_iface_h iface, const uct_device_addr_t *dev_addr, const uct_iface_addr_t *iface_addr)
Check if remote iface address is reachable.
void(* uct_pending_purge_callback_t)(uct_pending_req_t *self, void *arg)
Callback to purge pending requests.
Definition: uct_def.h:523
UCT allocation parameters specification field mask.
Definition: uct.h:2131
size_t iface_addr_len
Definition: uct.h:974
ucs_status_t uct_iface_get_address(uct_iface_h iface, uct_iface_addr_t *addr)
Get interface address.
uct_cm_t * uct_cm_h
Definition: uct_def.h:101
UCT listener created by uct_listener_create parameters field mask.
Definition: uct.h:797
uint64_t field_mask
Definition: uct.h:1322
void * address
Definition: uct.h:1368
const uct_device_addr_t * dev_addr
Definition: uct.h:1113
UCT component attributes.
Definition: uct.h:241
ucs_status_t uct_mem_free(const uct_allocated_memory_t *mem)
Release allocated memory.
double dedicated
Definition: uct.h:867
Callback flags.
Definition: uct.h:574
uint64_t field_mask
Definition: uct.h:1218
void(* uct_cm_listener_conn_request_callback_t)(uct_listener_h listener, void *arg, const uct_cm_listener_conn_request_args_t *conn_req_args)
Callback to process an incoming connection request on the server side listener in a connection manage...
Definition: uct_def.h:604
UCT listener attributes field mask.
Definition: uct.h:784
void(* uct_cm_ep_server_conn_notify_callback_t)(uct_ep_h ep, void *arg, const uct_cm_ep_server_conn_notify_args_t *connect_args)
Callback to process an incoming connection establishment acknowledgment on the server side listener,...
Definition: uct_def.h:634
void uct_iface_release_desc(void *desc)
Release AM descriptor.
Definition: uct.h:2521
uct_alloc_method_t method
Definition: uct.h:1370
ucs_linear_func_t reg_cost
Definition: uct.h:1279
ucs_status_t uct_ep_check(const uct_ep_h ep, unsigned flags, uct_completion_t *comp)
check if the destination endpoint is alive in respect to UCT library
UCT listener attributes, capabilities and limitations.
Definition: uct.h:1212
struct uct_worker * uct_worker_h
Definition: uct_def.h:92
ucs_status_t uct_ep_atomic_cswap64(uct_ep_h ep, uint64_t compare, uint64_t swap, uint64_t remote_addr, uct_rkey_t rkey, uint64_t *result, uct_completion_t *comp)
Definition: uct.h:2727
ucs_status_t uct_ep_atomic64_post(uct_ep_h ep, uct_atomic_op_t opcode, uint64_t value, uint64_t remote_addr, uct_rkey_t rkey)
Definition: uct.h:2763
Interface attributes: capabilities and limitations.
Definition: uct.h:876
int uct_worker_cb_id_t
Definition: uct_def.h:107
ucs_status_t uct_ep_put_short(uct_ep_h ep, const void *buffer, unsigned length, uint64_t remote_addr, uct_rkey_t rkey)
Definition: uct.h:2532
ucs_status_t(* uct_error_handler_t)(void *arg, uct_ep_h ep, ucs_status_t status)
Callback to process peer failure.
Definition: uct_def.h:511
ucs_status_t uct_ep_get_short(uct_ep_h ep, void *buffer, unsigned length, uint64_t remote_addr, uct_rkey_t rkey)
Definition: uct.h:2593
ucs_status_t uct_worker_create(ucs_async_context_t *async, ucs_thread_mode_t thread_mode, uct_worker_h *worker_p)
Create a worker object.
ucs_status_t uct_ep_get_address(uct_ep_h ep, uct_ep_addr_t *addr)
Get endpoint address.
double overhead
Definition: uct.h:986
ucs_linear_func_t latency
Definition: uct.h:988
ucs_cpu_set_t cpu_mask
Definition: uct.h:1017
ucs_status_t uct_iface_flush(uct_iface_h iface, unsigned flags, uct_completion_t *comp)
Flush outstanding communication operations on an interface.
Definition: uct.h:2488
ucs_status_t uct_ep_get_zcopy(uct_ep_h ep, const uct_iov_t *iov, size_t iovcnt, uint64_t remote_addr, uct_rkey_t rkey, uct_completion_t *comp)
Read data from remote memory while avoiding local memory copy.
Definition: uct.h:2643
void uct_iface_progress_disable(uct_iface_h iface, unsigned flags)
Disable synchronous progress for the interface.
Definition: uct.h:3225
Definition: uct.h:251
struct uct_iface_addr uct_iface_addr_t
Definition: uct_def.h:96
uint64_t field_mask
Definition: uct.h:248
Thread sharing mode.
Definition: thread_mode.h:19
void(* uct_completion_callback_t)(uct_completion_t *self)
Callback to process send completion.
Definition: uct_def.h:476
void uct_md_close(uct_md_h md)
Close a memory domain.
ucs_status_t uct_query_components(uct_component_h **components_p, unsigned *num_components_p)
Query for list of components.
ucs_status_t uct_md_open(uct_component_h component, const char *md_name, const uct_md_config_t *config, uct_md_h *md_p)
Open a memory domain.
struct uct_cm_config uct_cm_config_t
Definition: uct_def.h:80
struct uct_ep_addr uct_ep_addr_t
Definition: uct_def.h:97
ucs_status_t uct_md_mem_query(uct_md_h md, const void *address, const size_t length, uct_md_mem_attr_t *mem_attr)
Query attributes of a given pointer.
struct uct_md * uct_md_h
Memory domain handler.
Definition: uct_def.h:84
UCT endpoint created by uct_ep_create parameters field mask.
Definition: uct.h:816
ucs_status_t uct_ep_tag_eager_short(uct_ep_h ep, uct_tag_t tag, const void *data, size_t length)
Short eager tagged-send operation.
Definition: uct.h:2921
ucs_status_t uct_ep_am_short(uct_ep_h ep, uint8_t id, uint64_t header, const void *payload, unsigned length)
Definition: uct.h:2656
uct_cm_ep_server_conn_notify_callback_t sockaddr_cb_server
Definition: uct.h:1173
Remote key with its type.
Definition: uct.h:1384
ucs_status_t(* uct_tag_unexp_rndv_cb_t)(void *arg, unsigned flags, uint64_t stag, const void *header, unsigned header_length, uint64_t remote_addr, size_t length, const void *rkey_buf)
Callback to process unexpected rendezvous tagged message.
Definition: uct_def.h:796
ucs_status_t uct_ep_tag_rndv_cancel(uct_ep_h ep, void *op)
Cancel outstanding rendezvous operation.
Definition: uct.h:3076
ucs_status_t uct_ep_create(const uct_ep_params_t *params, uct_ep_h *ep_p)
Create new endpoint.
uct_device_type_t dev_type
Definition: uct.h:321
Memory domain attributes.
Definition: uct.h:1314
uint8_t priority
Definition: uct.h:990
size_t(* uct_pack_callback_t)(void *dest, void *arg)
Callback for producing data.
Definition: uct_def.h:535
struct uct_rkey_bundle uct_rkey_bundle_t
Remote key with its type.
char md_name[UCT_MD_NAME_MAX]
Definition: uct.h:215
ucs_status_t uct_ep_am_zcopy(uct_ep_h ep, uint8_t id, const void *header, unsigned header_length, const uct_iov_t *iov, size_t iovcnt, unsigned flags, uct_completion_t *comp)
Send active message while avoiding local memory copy.
Definition: uct.h:2712
char tl_name[UCT_TL_NAME_MAX]
Definition: uct.h:319
uct_iface_h iface
Definition: uct.h:1101
Status codes.
Definition: status.h:45
char component_name[UCT_COMPONENT_NAME_MAX]
Definition: uct.h:1283
void uct_worker_progress_unregister_safe(uct_worker_h worker, uct_worker_cb_id_t *id_p)
Remove a slow path callback function from worker's progress.
void * user_data
Definition: uct.h:1106
ucs_status_t uct_iface_open(uct_md_h md, uct_worker_h worker, const uct_iface_params_t *params, const uct_iface_config_t *config, uct_iface_h *iface_p)
Open a communication interface.
size_t length
Definition: uct.h:1369
ucs_status_t uct_rkey_ptr(uct_component_h component, uct_rkey_bundle_t *rkey_ob, uint64_t remote_addr, void **addr_p)
Get a local pointer to remote memory.
Memory allocation/registration flags.
Definition: uct.h:712
double shared
Definition: uct.h:868
void * err_handler_arg
Definition: uct.h:1058
Parameters for creating a listener object uct_listener_h by uct_listener_create.
Definition: uct.h:1232
Definition: uct.h:1427
uint64_t flags
Definition: uct.h:274
ucs_status_t uct_cm_client_ep_conn_notify(uct_ep_h ep)
Notify the server about client-side connection establishment.
uct_cm_h cm
Definition: uct.h:1152
Connection manager attributes, capabilities and limitations.
Definition: uct.h:1192
struct uct_listener * uct_listener_h
Definition: uct_def.h:103
ucs_status_t uct_md_mkey_pack(uct_md_h md, uct_mem_h memh, void *rkey_buffer)
Pack a remote key.
ucs_memory_type_t mem_type
Definition: uct.h:1327
ucs_status_t uct_md_query(uct_md_h md, uct_md_attr_t *md_attr)
Query for memory domain attributes.
void * user_data
Definition: uct.h:1255
void(* uct_unpack_callback_t)(void *arg, const void *data, size_t length)
Callback for consuming data.
Definition: uct_def.h:548
void uct_iface_progress_enable(uct_iface_h iface, unsigned flags)
Enable synchronous progress for the interface.
Definition: uct.h:3200
struct sockaddr_storage listen_sockaddr
Definition: uct.h:979
uct_ppn_bandwidth_t bandwidth
Definition: uct.h:987
ucs_status_t uct_ep_atomic64_fetch(uct_ep_h ep, uct_atomic_op_t opcode, uint64_t value, uint64_t *result, uint64_t remote_addr, uct_rkey_t rkey, uct_completion_t *comp)
Definition: uct.h:2789
ucs_memory_type_t mem_type
Definition: uct.h:1371
ssize_t uct_ep_am_bcopy(uct_ep_h ep, uint8_t id, uct_pack_callback_t pack_cb, void *arg, unsigned flags)
Definition: uct.h:2667
Flush modifiers.
Definition: uct.h:519
struct uct_component * uct_component_h
Definition: uct_def.h:76
ucs_status_t uct_iface_reject(uct_iface_h iface, uct_conn_request_h conn_request)
Reject connection request. Will invoke an error handler uct_error_handler_t on the remote transport i...
UCT MD memory attributes field mask.
Definition: uct.h:1296
Memory allocation methods.
Definition: uct.h:484
uint64_t uct_tag_t
Definition: uct_def.h:106
struct uct_iface_config uct_iface_config_t
Definition: uct_def.h:78
ucs_status_t uct_rkey_release(uct_component_h component, const uct_rkey_bundle_t *rkey_ob)
Release a remote key.
const ucs_sock_addr_t * sockaddr
Definition: uct.h:1129
unsigned dev_num_paths
Definition: uct.h:992
ucs_status_t uct_config_modify(void *config, const char *name, const char *value)
Modify interface configuration (uct_iface_config_t), memory domain configuration (uct_md_config_t) or...
uct_pending_callback_t func
Definition: uct.h:1426
uint64_t open_mode
Definition: uct.h:1019
Parameters for allocating memory using uct_mem_alloc.
Definition: uct.h:2153
ucs_sys_device_t sys_dev
Definition: uct.h:1332
uint64_t field_mask
Definition: uct.h:1198
void uct_iface_mem_free(const uct_allocated_memory_t *mem)
Release memory allocated with uct_iface_mem_alloc().
enum ucs_memory_type ucs_memory_type_t
Memory types.
ucs_status_t uct_iface_fence(uct_iface_h iface, unsigned flags)
Ensures ordering of outstanding communications on the interface. Operations issued on the interface p...
Definition: uct.h:2507
ucs_status_t status
Definition: uct.h:1412
struct uct_md_resource_desc uct_md_resource_desc_t
Memory domain resource descriptor.
ssize_t(* uct_cm_ep_priv_data_pack_callback_t)(void *arg, const uct_cm_ep_priv_data_pack_args_t *pack_args, void *priv_data)
Callback to fill the user's private data in a client-server flow.
Definition: uct_def.h:708
uint32_t sockaddr_cb_flags
Definition: uct.h:1136
unsigned md_resource_count
Definition: uct.h:254
unsigned long ucs_time_t
Definition: time_def.h:23
ucs_status_t uct_ep_tag_rndv_request(uct_ep_h ep, uct_tag_t tag, const void *header, unsigned header_length, unsigned flags)
Send software rendezvous request.
Definition: uct.h:3101
Mode in which to open the interface.
Definition: uct.h:598
ucs_status_t uct_md_mem_reg(uct_md_h md, void *address, size_t length, unsigned flags, uct_mem_h *memh_p)
Register memory for zero-copy sends and remote access.
ucs_status_t uct_ep_pending_add(uct_ep_h ep, uct_pending_req_t *req, unsigned flags)
Add a pending request to an endpoint.
Definition: uct.h:2819
size_t device_addr_len
Definition: uct.h:973
ucs_status_t uct_iface_set_am_tracer(uct_iface_h iface, uct_am_tracer_t tracer, void *arg)
Set active message tracer for the interface.
void uct_ep_destroy(uct_ep_h ep)
Destroy an endpoint.
Parameters for creating a UCT endpoint by uct_ep_create.
Definition: uct.h:1089
void * ucs_status_ptr_t
Status pointer.
Definition: status.h:106
uct_ep_disconnect_cb_t disconnect_cb
Definition: uct.h:1178
Socket address accessibility type.
Definition: uct.h:675
ucs_status_t uct_cm_open(uct_component_h component, uct_worker_h worker, const uct_cm_config_t *config, uct_cm_h *cm_p)
Open a connection manager.
ucs_status_t uct_component_query(uct_component_h component, uct_component_attr_t *component_attr)
Get component attributes.
ucs_stats_node_t * stats_root
Definition: uct.h:1053
struct uct_iface_attr::@7 cap
ucs_status_t uct_cm_config_read(uct_component_h component, const char *env_prefix, const char *filename, uct_cm_config_t **config_p)
Read the configuration for a connection manager.
Memory domain attributes.
Definition: uct.h:1268
UCT interface created by uct_iface_open parameters field mask.
Definition: uct.h:619
uct_completion_callback_t func
Definition: uct.h:1410
ucs_status_t uct_listener_reject(uct_listener_h listener, uct_conn_request_h conn_request)
Reject a connection request.
struct uct_component_attr uct_component_attr_t
UCT component attributes.
ucs_status_t uct_cm_query(uct_cm_h cm, uct_cm_attr_t *cm_attr)
Get connection manager attributes.
void * uct_conn_request_h
Definition: uct_def.h:108
size_t ep_addr_len
Definition: uct.h:975
void uct_release_tl_resource_list(uct_tl_resource_desc_t *resources)
Release the list of resources returned from uct_md_query_tl_resources.
void uct_cm_close(uct_cm_h cm)
Close a connection manager.
ucs_status_t uct_md_iface_config_read(uct_md_h md, const char *tl_name, const char *env_prefix, const char *filename, uct_iface_config_t **config_p)
Read transport-specific interface configuration.
ucs_status_t uct_ep_fence(uct_ep_h ep, unsigned flags)
Ensures ordering of outstanding communications on the endpoint. Operations issued on the endpoint pri...
Definition: uct.h:2893
uct_mem_h memh
Definition: uct.h:1373
size_t rx_headroom
Definition: uct.h:1055
void(* tag_consumed_cb)(uct_tag_context_t *self)
Definition: uct.h:1445
struct uct_allocated_memory uct_allocated_memory_t
Describes a memory allocated by UCT.
void uct_worker_destroy(uct_worker_h worker)
Destroy a worker object.
void(* uct_am_tracer_t)(void *arg, uct_am_trace_type_t type, uint8_t id, const void *data, size_t length, char *buffer, size_t max)
Callback to trace active messages.
Definition: uct_def.h:464
ucs_status_t(* uct_pending_callback_t)(uct_pending_req_t *self)
Callback to process pending requests.
Definition: uct_def.h:493
uct_cm_listener_conn_request_callback_t conn_request_cb
Definition: uct.h:1250
size_t rkey_packed_size
Definition: uct.h:1284
Communication resource descriptor.
Definition: uct.h:318
Pending request.
Definition: uct.h:1425
uct_md_resource_desc_t * md_resources
Definition: uct.h:269
ucs_status_t uct_iface_set_am_handler(uct_iface_h iface, uint8_t id, uct_am_callback_t cb, void *arg, uint32_t flags)
Set active message handler for the interface.
unsigned uct_worker_progress(uct_worker_h worker)
Explicit progress for UCT worker.
Definition: uct.h:2454
uct_conn_request_h conn_request
Definition: uct.h:1161
void(* uct_cm_ep_client_connect_callback_t)(uct_ep_h ep, void *arg, const uct_cm_ep_client_connect_args_t *connect_args)
Callback to process an incoming connection response on the client side from the server or handle a lo...
Definition: uct_def.h:658
const uct_iface_addr_t * iface_addr
Definition: uct.h:1120
uct_md_h md
Definition: uct.h:1372
void uct_worker_progress_register_safe(uct_worker_h worker, ucs_callback_t func, void *arg, unsigned flags, uct_worker_cb_id_t *id_p)
Add a slow path callback function to a worker progress.
struct uct_iface * uct_iface_h
Definition: uct_def.h:77
struct sockaddr_storage sockaddr
Definition: uct.h:1223
size_t max_num_eps
Definition: uct.h:991
void * eager_arg
Definition: uct.h:1066
ucs_status_t uct_listener_create(uct_cm_h cm, const struct sockaddr *saddr, socklen_t socklen, const uct_listener_params_t *params, uct_listener_h *listener_p)
Create a new transport listener object.
uint64_t field_mask
Definition: uct.h:1015
struct uct_ep * uct_ep_h
Definition: uct_def.h:81
uct_tag_unexp_eager_cb_t eager_cb
Definition: uct.h:1068
ucs_status_t uct_md_mem_dereg(uct_md_h md, uct_mem_h memh)
Undo the operation of uct_md_mem_reg().
void uct_release_component_list(uct_component_h *components)
Release the list of components returned from uct_query_components.
Posted tag context.
Definition: uct.h:1438
ucs_status_t uct_iface_query(uct_iface_h iface, uct_iface_attr_t *iface_attr)
Get interface attributes.
ucs_status_t(* uct_tag_unexp_eager_cb_t)(void *arg, void *data, size_t length, unsigned flags, uct_tag_t stag, uint64_t imm, void **context)
Callback to process unexpected eager tagged message.
Definition: uct_def.h:759
uint64_t field_mask
Definition: uct.h:1238
Completion handle.
Definition: uct.h:1409
uct_rkey_t rkey
Definition: uct.h:1385
ssize_t uct_ep_put_bcopy(uct_ep_h ep, uct_pack_callback_t pack_cb, void *arg, uint64_t remote_addr, uct_rkey_t rkey)
Definition: uct.h:2543
ucs_status_t uct_ep_get_bcopy(uct_ep_h ep, uct_unpack_callback_t unpack_cb, void *arg, size_t length, uint64_t remote_addr, uct_rkey_t rkey, uct_completion_t *comp)
Definition: uct.h:2604
uint32_t err_handler_flags
Definition: uct.h:1063
uct_cm_ep_priv_data_pack_callback_t sockaddr_pack_cb
Definition: uct.h:1146
unsigned path_index
Definition: uct.h:1184
struct uct_device_addr uct_device_addr_t
Definition: uct_def.h:95
void uct_iface_close(uct_iface_h iface)
Close and destroy an interface.
unsigned uct_iface_progress(uct_iface_h iface)
Perform a progress on an interface.
Definition: uct.h:3235
ucs_sys_device_t sys_device
Definition: uct.h:323
ucs_status_t(* uct_am_callback_t)(void *arg, void *data, size_t length, unsigned flags)
Callback to process incoming active message.
Definition: uct_def.h:446
uintptr_t uct_rkey_t
Definition: uct_def.h:83
ucs_status_t uct_iface_tag_recv_zcopy(uct_iface_h iface, uct_tag_t tag, uct_tag_t tag_mask, const uct_iov_t *iov, size_t iovcnt, uct_tag_context_t *ctx)
Post a tag to a transport interface.
Definition: uct.h:3141
ucs_status_t uct_ep_connect_to_ep(uct_ep_h ep, const uct_device_addr_t *dev_addr, const uct_ep_addr_t *ep_addr)
Connect endpoint to a remote endpoint.
struct uct_md_mem_attr uct_md_mem_attr_t
Memory domain attributes.
char priv[UCT_TAG_PRIV_LEN]
Definition: uct.h:1485
size_t max_conn_priv
Definition: uct.h:976
void * handle
Definition: uct.h:1386
void(* completed_cb)(uct_tag_context_t *self, uct_tag_t stag, uint64_t imm, size_t length, void *inline_data, ucs_status_t status)
Definition: uct.h:1466
void * rndv_arg
Definition: uct.h:1069
ucs_status_t uct_iface_mem_alloc(uct_iface_h iface, size_t length, unsigned flags, const char *name, uct_allocated_memory_t *mem)
Allocate memory which can be used for zero-copy communications.
ucs_time_t keepalive_interval
Definition: uct.h:1081
ucs_status_t uct_ep_atomic32_fetch(uct_ep_h ep, uct_atomic_op_t opcode, uint32_t value, uint32_t *result, uint64_t remote_addr, uct_rkey_t rkey, uct_completion_t *comp)
Definition: uct.h:2775
int uct_md_is_sockaddr_accessible(uct_md_h md, const ucs_sock_addr_t *sockaddr, uct_sockaddr_accessibility_t mode)
Check if remote sock address is accessible from the memory domain.
ucs_status_t uct_ep_atomic_cswap32(uct_ep_h ep, uint32_t compare, uint32_t swap, uint64_t remote_addr, uct_rkey_t rkey, uint32_t *result, uct_completion_t *comp)
Definition: uct.h:2739
Asynchronous event types.
Definition: uct.h:507
char dev_name[UCT_DEVICE_NAME_MAX]
Definition: uct.h:320
Describes a memory allocated by UCT.
Definition: uct.h:1367